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  Result name software-mga2-p3nt4-16bpp-f640low NT4-P133MHz-software-16bpp-w640 sgi-P133MHz-MMX-software-opengl-16bpp-w640low mesa-P133MHz-MMX-software-opengl-16bpp-w640low sgi-486dx4-software-opengl-16bpp-w640low sgi-indigo-xs24z-24bpp-f640 sgi-indigo-entry-8bpp-f640low sgi-indy-xl24-24bpp-f640 sgi-indy-xz-24bpp-f640 matrox-millennium-16bpp-f640low matrox-millennium-32bpp-f640low sgi-maximum-impact-32bpp-f640high sun-creator3d-32bpp-f640 sgi-indy-xge8-f640 dec-powerstorm-3d30-f640 s3-virge-325-16bpp-f640low s3-virge-vx-Z-16bpp-f640 s3-virge-vx-MCD-16bpp-f640 ati-rageiiplus-16bpp-f640low-Z ati-rage-IIplus-oc-72mhz-16bpp-f640 3Dlabs-Permedia-16bpp-f640low diamond-firegl3000-32bpp-f640low intergraph-realizm-z13t-32bpp-f640 intergraph-realizm-z13-32bpp-f640 dec4d50t-32bpp-f640 sgi-o2-180mhz-32bpp-f640high S3-Virge-GX-75MHz-16bpp-f640 S3-Virge-GX-75MHz-MCD-16bpp-f640 S3-Virge-GX-75MHz-SDRAM-16bpp-f640 S3-Virge-DX-45MHz-16bpp-f640 S3-Virge-DX-75MHz-16bpp-f640 S3-Virge-DX-75MHz-24bpp-f640 dynamic-pictures-oxygen-202-32bpp-f640 dynamic-pictures-oxygen-402-32bpp-f640 SiS-6326-64MHz-SGR-16bpp-f640 SiS-6326-90MHz-SGR-16bpp-f640 Rendition-Verite-V2200-16bpp-f640 mga2-16bpp-f640low mga2-32bpp-f640low diamond-firegl4000-32bpp-f640 intergraph-realizm2-zx13-32bpp-f640 intergraph-intense-3d-pro-2200-32bpp-f640 elsa-gloria-mx-32bpp-f640low s3-virge-gx2-16bpp-f640low s3-virge-gx2-99mhz-z-16bpp-f640 3dlabs-Permedia2-Z-16bpp-f640 3dlabs-Permedia2-Z-32bpp-f640 nvidia-riva128-16bpp-f640 ati-rage-pro-compaq-16bpp-f640 ati-rage-pro-16bpp-f640 accelgraphics-eclipse-32bpp-f640 3dfx-Voodoo2-16bpp-f640 3dfx-Voodoo2-16bpp-f640 Sun-PGX24-Ultra5-8bpp-f640low sgi-o2-300mhz-32bpp-f640 evans-sutherland-accelgalaxy-32bpp-f640 hp-visualize-fx4plus-nt-32bpp-maxperf-f640 hp-visualize-fx6plus-nt-32bpp-f640high nvidia-tnt-agp-16bpp-f640 nvidia-tnt-agp-32bpp-f640 compaq-powerstorm-300-32bpp-f640high intergraph-intense-3D-wildcat-3400-lynx4-32bpp-f640high intergraph-intense-3D-wildcat-4000ra-32bpp-f640 intergraph-intense-3D-wildcat-4000-32bpp-f640 evans-sutherland-tornado-3000-32bpp-f640high 3dlabs-oxygen-gmx-32bpp-f640low ati-mobility-m1-16bpp-f640 sgi320-32bpp-f640 3dfx-Voodoo3-2000-PCI-16bpp-Z-f640 nvidia-tnt2-agp-32bpp-f640high sgi-octane-mxe-32bpp-f640high evans-sutherland-lightning-1200-32bpp-f640 intergraph-wildcat-4105-32bpp-f640 3dlabs-oxygen-vx1-16bpp-f640 3dlabs-oxygen-vx1-32bpp-f640 3dlabs-oxygen-gvx132bpp-f640low diamond-firegl1-32bpp-f640high intergraph-intense-3D-wildcat-4110-32bpp-f640 nvidia-tnt2-m64-agp-16bpp-f640 nvidia-tnt2-m64-agp-32bpp-f640 nvidia-tnt2-vanta-pci-16bpp-f640 nvidia-tnt2-vanta-pci-32bpp-f640 nvidia-tnt2-vanta-pci-overclocked-32bpp-f640 intergraph-intense-3D-wildcat-4210-32bpp-f640 sgi-octane2-vpro-v6-z-32bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro-sdr-32bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro-ddr-32bpp-f640high sgi-o2-400mhz-R12K-32bpp-f640high hp-visualize-fx5-32bpp-f640high hp-visualize-fx10-32bpp-f640high ati-radeon-ve-7000-16bpp-f640 ati-radeon-ve-7000-32bpp-f640 sun-xvr100-32bit-f640 matrox-g450lx-dh-16bpp-f640 matrox-g450lx-dh-32bpp-f640 s3savage4-mv-16bpp-f640 s3savage4-mv-32bpp-f640 trident-blade3d-igp-16bpp-f640 trident-blade3d-igp-32bpp-f640 diamond-firegl2-32bpp-f640high ati-mobility-m3-16bpp-f640 ati-mobility-m3-32bpp-f640 nvidia-quadro2-mxr-32bpp-f640high 3Dlabs-Oxygen-GVX210-32bpp-f640high 3dlabs-oxygen-gvx420-32bpp-f640high ati-firegl3-32bpp-f640high ATI-Fire-GL4-32bpp-f640high sgi-octane2-vpro-v12-32bpp-f640high 3dlabs-vildcat-5000-32bpp-f640 nec-te5l-32bpp-f640high 3dlabs-wildcat-6210-32bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro4-gogl-500-16bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro4-gogl-500-32bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro4-700-xgl-32bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro4-900-xgl-32bpp-f640high 3Dlabs-Wildcat-III-6110-32bpp-f640high 3Dlabs-Wildcat-4-7110-32bpp-f640high 3dlabs-wildcat-vp560-32bpp-f640high ati-firegl-x1-32bpp-f640 nvidia-quadro4-380xgl-32bpp-f640high nvidia-quadro4-980-xgl-32bpp-f640high ati-firegl-t2-32bpp-f640 xvr-4000-AA-32bpp-f640high xvr-4000-noAA-32bpp-f640high sgi-tezro-vpro-v12-32bpp-f640high sgi-tezro-vpro-v12-32bpp-f640high sgi-onyx4-firegl-x1-32bpp-f640high 3dlabs-wildcat-p990pro-32bpp-f640high sun-xvr-600-32bpp-f640high 3Dlabs-Wildcat-Realizm-200-32bpp-f640high ati-firegl-x3-256-32bpp-f640high Intel-UHD620-Core-i7-8565U-32bpp-f640high
Specifications Chipset Software (WinNT4, 2xP3 1GHz) Software (WinNT4, P-MMX 133MHz) Software (SGI, P-MMX 133MHz) Software (Mesa, P-MMX 133MHz) Software (SGI, 486DX4 75MHz) SGI GR2-XS24-Z (Indigo) SGI "Entry" LG1MC REX1.5 (Indigo) SGI Newport XL24 (Indy) SGI GR3-Elan XZ (Indy) Matrox Millennium (MGA-2064W R3, 16bit) Matrox Millennium (MGA-2064W R3, 32bit) SGI Maximum IMPACT (Indigo2) Sun Creator3D SGI Newport XL8/XGE8 (Indy) DEC PowerStorm 3D30 (Alpha) S3 ViRGE (325) S3 ViRGE/VX S3 ViRGE/VX (MCD) ATI Rage II+DVD ATI Rage II+DVD (overclocked) 3Dlabs Permedia Diamond FireGL 3000 Intergraph Realizm Z13T Intergraph Realizm Z13 DEC PowerStorm 4D50T SGI O2 (Crime IGP, 180MHz CPU) S3 Virge/GX S3 Virge/GX (MCD) S3 Virge/GX (SDRAM) S3 Virge/DX (45MHz, 16bit) S3 Virge/DX (16bit) S3 Virge/DX (24bit) Dynamic Pictures Oxygen 202 Dynamic Pictures Oxygen 402 SiS 6236 AGP SiS 6236AGP C5 (90MHz) Rendition Vérité V2200 Matrox Millennium II (MGA-2164WA-B, 16bit) Matrox Millennium II (MGA-2164WA-B, 32bit) Diamond FireGL 4000 Intergraph Realizm2 ZX13 Intergraph Intense 3D Pro 2200 ELSA GLoria-L/MX (GLiNT MX + GLINT Delta) S3 Virge/GX2 (low-end) S3 Virge/GX2 3Dlabs Permedia 2 (16bit) 3Dlabs Permedia 2 (32bit) NVIDIA Riva 128 ATI Rage Pro ATI Rage Pro AccelGraphics Eclipse 3Dfx Voodoo2 3Dfx Voodoo2 SLI Sun PGX24 (SUNWm64 software renderer) SGI O2 (Crime IGP, 300MHz CPU) Evans & Sutherland AccelGALAXY HP Visualize fx4+ (no TMU) HP Visualize fx6+ (1 TMU) NVIDIA Riva TNT (16bit) NVIDIA Riva TNT (32bit) Compaq PowerStorm 300 (REALimage 2100) Intergraph Intense 3D 3400 + Lynx4 Intergraph Intense 3D Wildcat 4000RA Intergraph Intense 3D Wildcat 4000 + Lynx5 E&S Tornado 3000 (REALimage 3000) 3Dlabs Oxygen GMX ATI Mobility M1 SGI VW 320 (Cobalt IGP) 3Dfx Voodoo3 2000 PCI NVIDIA Riva TNT2 (ELSA Synergy II) SGI MXE (Octane) Evans & Sutherland Lightning 1200 Intergraph Wildcat 4105 3Dlabs Oxygen VX1 (Permedia3, 16bit) 3Dlabs Oxygen VX1 (Permedia3, 32bit) 3Dlabs Oxygen GVX1 (VX1 + geometry) Diamond Fire GL1 Intergraph Intense 3D Wildcat 4110 NVIDIA Riva TNT2 M64 (16bit) NVIDIA Riva TNT2 M64 (32bit) NVIDIA Riva (TNT2) Vanta (16bit) NVIDIA Riva (TNT2) Vanta (32bit) NVIDIA Riva (TNT2) Vanta (overclocked) Intergraph Intense 3D Wildcat 4210 SGI VPro V6 (Octane2) NVIDIA Quadro (ELSA Gloria II) NVIDIA Quadro DDR (ELSA Gloria II Pro) SGI O2 (Crime IGP, 400MHz R12K CPU) HP Visualize fx5 HP Visualize fx10 ATI Radeon VE (16bit) ATI Radeon VE (32bit) Sun XVR-100 (Radeon 7000, software) Matrox G450LX Dual-Head (16bit) Matrox G450LX Dual-Head (32bit) S3 SavageIX/MV (Savage4, 16bit) S3 SavageIX/MV (Savage4, 32bit) Trident CyberBlade i7 (16bit) Trident CyberBlade i7 IGP (32bit) Diamond/ATI Fire GL2 ATI Mobility M3 (Rage128, 16bit) ATI Mobility M3 (Rage128, 32bit) NVIDIA Quadro2 MXR (ELSA Synergy III) 3Dlab Oxygen GVX210 3Dlabs Oxygen GVX420 Diamond/ATI Fire GL3 ATI Fire GL4 (IBM) SGI VPro V12 (Octane2) 3Dlabs Wildcat II 5000 NEC TE5L 3Dlabs Wildcat III 6210 NVIDIA Quadro4 500 GoGL (16bit) NVIDIA Quadro4 500 GoGL (32bit) NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 900 XGL 3Dlabs Wildcat III 6110 3Dlabs Wildcat 4 7110 3Dlabs Wildcat VP560 ATI FireGL X1 NVIDIA Quadro4 380XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 980 XGL ATI FireGL T2 Sun XVR-4000 (anti-aliasing) Sun XVR-4000 (no anti-aliasing) SGI VPro V12 (Tezro, 700MHz) SGI VPro V12 (Tezro, 1GHz) ATI Fire GL X1 (SGI Onyx4) 3Dlabs Wildcat VP990 Pro Sun XVR-600 3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm 200 ATI FireGL X3-256 Intel UHD620 (Intel Core i7-8565U)
  Year 0 0 0 0 0 early-1992 late-1992 mid-1994 mid-1994 mid-1995 mid-1995 mid-1995 late-1995 early-1996 early-1996 mid-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 late-1996 early-1997 early-1997 early-1997 early-1997 early-1997 early-1997 early-1997 early-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 mid-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 late-1997 early-1998 early-1998 early-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 mid-1998 late-1998 late-1998 late-1999 late-1998 early-1999 early-1999 early-1999 early-1999 early-1999 early-1999 mid-1999 mid-1999 mid-1999 mid-1999 mid-1999 late-1999 late-1999 late-1999 late-1999 late-1999 late-1999 mid-2000 early-2000 early-2000 mid-2000 mid-2000 mid-2000 mid-2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 mid-2000 mid-2000 mid-2000 mid-2000 late-2000 late-2000 late-2000 late-2000 late-2000 late-2000 early-2001 2001 early-2001 mid-2001 early-2002 mid-2002 mid-2002 mid-2002 mid-2002 mid-2002 late-2002 late-2002 late-2002 late-2002 early-2003 early-2003 late-2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 mid-2003 mid-2003 early-2004 late-2004 late-2004 2019
  Bus 0 0 0 0 0 GIO32 GIO32 GIO32 GIO32 PCI PCI 3x GIO64 UPA GIO32 PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI IGP PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI AGP AGP 2x PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP AGP PCI/AGP 1x PCI PCI PCI IGP AGP 1x AGP 2x AGP 2x AGP AGP AGP 1x 2xPCI PCI PCI+AGP 1x AGP 2x AGP AGP 2x IGP PCI AGP XIO AGP 2x AGP 4x AGP 2x AGP 2x AGP 2x AGP 2x AGP Pro AGP AGP PCI PCI PCI AGP Pro XIO AGP 4x AGP 4x IGP AGP 2x AGP 2x PCI PCI PCI AGP AGP AGP 2x AGP 2x IGP IGP AGP 4x AGP 2x AGP 2x AGP 4x AGP Pro AGP 4x + PCI AGP 4x (set to 2x) AGP 4x XIO AGP Pro AGP 4x AGP Pro AGP 4x AGP 4x AGP 4x AGP 4x AGP Pro AGP Pro 8x AGP 8x (set to 4x) AGP 4x AGP 8x (set to 4x) AGP 8x (set to 4x) AGP 8x (set to 4x) CPU bus CPU bus XIO XIO PCI-X AGP 8x (set to 4x) PCI-X 66MHz AGP 8x AGP 8x (set to 4x) UMA
  C clock [MHz] 0 0 0 0 0 50 33? 66 50 60 60 ? 75 33/66 75? 55 55 55 48 57,6 70 ? ? ? ? 66 75 75 75 45 75 75 ? ? ? ? 55 66 66 66 ? ? 80 76 99 80 80 100 75 75 66 90 90 - 66 ? 100 100 90 90 100 ? ? ? 100 33 83 100 143 125 ? ? ? 110 110 115 ? ? 125 125 100 100 125 ? 150 135 135 66 100 100 162 162 - 122 122 100 100 125? 125? ? 105 105 200 120? ? ? 150/205 150 250? 200? ? 220 220 277 300 ? 120? 250? 324 275 297 398 ? ? 150 150 324 ? ? ? 493 1150
  ROP,TMU 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? 1x0 1x0 dual 2x0/1x1 1x1 ? 1x0 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 ? ? ? 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 2x1 4x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 ? ? 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 ? 1x2 2x2 - 1x1 ? 2x0 2x1 2x1 2x1 1x1 ? ? ? 1x1 2x1 1x1 2x1 1x2 2x1 dual 2x0/1x1 ? ? 1x2 1x2 1x2 ? ? 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 ? 2x1 4x1 4x1 1x1 2x1 2x1 1x3 1x3 - 2x1 2x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 2x1 TX (4x0 non-TX)? 2x1 2x1 2x2 2x1? ? 2x1 TX (4x0 non-TX)? 2x1 TX (4x0 non-TX)? 2x1 1x1 4x0 / 2x1 2x1? 2x2 2x2 4x2 4x2 ? 4x1 4x1? 8x1 2x2 4x2 4x1 ? ? 2x1 2x1 8x1 8x1? ? ? 12x1 3x8
  Mem size [MB] 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 6 10-12? 4 4 2x12+2x4 15 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 8+16 16+16 16+0 16+16 - 2 2 4 4 4 4 2x8 4x8 8 8 8 4 4 15+16 16+0 16+0 16+8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 15+16 3x4 6x4 - - 20+16 18+0 18+16 16 16 15+16 16+16 16+64 16+64 30+32 96 4 - 16 32 2x12+2x4 15+16 16+64 32 32 32 32 64+64+8 32 32 16 16 16 128+128+32 32 64 64 - 64 64 64 64 64 16 16 8 8 - - 64 8 8 32 64 128 128 128 128 32+32+16 128 256+128+ 64 64 64 128 64+128 128+128 64 256 128 128 128 1024 1024 128 128 256 512 128 512 256 up to 2048
  M clock [MHz] 0 0 0 0 0 ? - 16? ? 60 60 ? ? 16? ? 55 55 55 60 72 66 ? ? ? ? - 75 75 75 45 75 75 ? ? 64 90 110? 66 66 ? ? ? ? 76 99 80 80 100 100 100 ? 90 90 - - ? ? ? 110 110 ? ? ? ? ? ? 83 - 143 150? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 143 143 125 125 143 ? 150 166 333 - 133 133 162 162 - 122 122 100 100 - - 300 105 105 183 ? ? 300 300 150 ? 200? ? 445 445 554 648 ? ? ? 553 512 648 594 ? ? 150 150 553 ? ? ? 594 2400
  M type 0 0 0 0 0 ? DRAM 8x 4-bit 256Kb 192bit DRAM ? 64bit WRAM 64bit WRAM ? 3D-RAM 64bit DRAM ? 64bit EDO RAM 64bit VRAM 64bit VRAM 64bit EDO RAM 64bit EDO RAM 64bit SGRAM 64bit VRAM + 64bit EDO ? ? ? UMA 64bit EDO RAM 64bit EDO RAM 64bit SDRAM 64bit EDO RAM 64bit EDO RAM 64bit EDO RAM SDR SDR 64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM 64bit SGRAM 64bit WRAM 64bit WRAM 3D-RAM+CDRAM ? ? 64bit VRAM + 64bit EDO 64bit SGRAM RAM 64bit SGRAM RAM 64bit SGRAM 64bit SGRAM 128bit SGRAM 64bit SGRAM 64bit SGRAM 3D-RAM FB + CD-RAM TX 3x64bit EDO RAM 6x64bit EDO RAM - UMA 3D-RAM FB + CD-RAM TX ? ? 128bit SDRAM 128bit SDRAM 3D-RAM FB + CD-RAM TX SDRAM SDRAM SDRAM 3D-RAM (FB) + CRAM (texture) ? 64bit SGRAM UMA 128bit SGRAM 128bit SDRAM ? 3D-RAM FB + CD-RAM TX ? 128bit SDR 128bit SDR 128bit SGRAM SGRAM 128+64+64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM 256+128+64bit SDRAM 256bit SDR 128bit SDR 128bit DDR UMA r 128bit (?) SDR 64bit DDR 64bit DDR 64bit DDR 64bit DDR 64bit DDR 64bit SDRAM 64bit SDRAM - - 256bit DDR-SGRAM 64bit eSDRAM 64bit eSDRAM 128bit SDR 256bit SGRAM 256bit SDR 256bit DDR-SGRAM DDR-SGRAM 256bit SDR 128+64+64bit 128bit DDR 64+128+64bit 128bit DDR 128bit DDR 128bit DDR 128bit DDR 128+64+64bit SDRAM 128+64bit SDRAM 128bit DDR 256bit DDR DDR 128bit DDR 128bit DDR 3DRAM-64 3DRAM-64 256bit SDR 256bit SDR 256bit DDR 256bit DDR 128bit DDR 256bit GDDR3 256bit GDDR3 64bit DDR4 (shared)
  color depth 16 16 16 16 16 24 8 24 24 16bpp 32bpp 32 32bpp 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 16 16 16 16 16 24 32 32 16 16 16 16bpp 32bpp 32 32 32 32 16 16 16 32 16 16 16 32 16 16 8 32 32 32 32 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 32 16 32 32 32 32 16 32 32 32 32 16 32 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 32 32 16 32 16 32 16 32 32 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
  Errors - - - Degraded color precision (gradients, filtering) - No texture tests (OpenGL 1.0) No texture tests (OpenGL 1.0) No texture tests (OpenGL 1.0) No texture tests (OpenGL 1.0) - - - - Textured polygons are rendered by CPU Textures ignored by hardware no texture alpha no texture alpha second pass of multiTX done in SW - - no alpha blending - - - - - no texture alpha second pass of multiTX done in SW no texture alpha no texture alpha no texture alpha no texture alpha Not all effect rendered properly Not all effect rendered properly - - - - - - - - - no texture alpha no texture alpha no alpha blending no alpha blending dark when too much blending involved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Multitexting doesn't work Multitexting doesn't work - - - - - - - -
  Notes Microsoft generic OpenGL software renderer; no benefit from multiple CPUs Microsoft generic OpenGL software renderer SGI OpenGL for Windows software renderer with MMX support (released in 1997); SGI released this when Microsoft decided not to develop their OpenGL renderer Open source MESA software renderer (default OpenGL software renderer in Linux) SGI OpenGL for Windows software renderer with MMX support (released in 1997); SGI released this when Microsoft decided to not develop their OpenGL renderer 24-bit colors, 24-bit Z-Buffer, 1 raster engine, 1 geometry engine; same geneneration of chips as in Indigo2 pre-IMPACT and Indy XZ Low-end graphics option for an entry-level Indigo workstation. Predecesor to REX3 (Newport/XL8/XL24) graphics in Indy. Unlike REX3, this REX1.5 does not accelerate alpha-blending and supports up to 1024x768x8bit@60Hz (the graphics card itself is from 1991) Low-end workstation ($5,000+). Newport graphics was introduced in mid-1993 as XL8/XL24. The 24-bit version has three times higher memory bandwidth to provide the same performance in 24-bit colors as XL8 in 8-bit colors. Highest graphics option for SGI Indy workstation. Unlike Newport/XL graphics, it offers 24-bit HW Z-Buffer and four hardware geometry engines (T&L). No HW support for textures though (only software pipeline). Rasteriser works at 50MHz (like most parts of the card), command engine works at 33MHz. OpenGL MCD driver with hardware acceleration for gouraud-shaded triangles. Polygons with textures and/or blending are rendered using Microsoft's OpenGL software renderer (software and hardware rendering can be combined in a single frame). All buffers are always stored in video RAM. OpenGL MCD driver with hardware acceleration for gouraud-shaded triangles. Polygons with textures and/or blending are rendered using Microsoft's OpenGL software renderer (software and hardware rendering can be combined in a single frame). All buffers are always stored in video RAM. Two High Impact units working together in SLI mode (scan line interleave - like 3Dfx Voodoo2 SLI). This was the most powerful graphics workstation in the world. Each graphics unit has 12MB of frame/Z buffer memory and 4MB of dedicated texture memory. Sun's own design of 3D accelerator chipset (rasterizer + triangle-setup; SW T&L); Creator3D-equipped Sun Ultra 1 170E workstation with 64MB RAM, 2.1GB HDD and 20-inch monitor cost $27,995 Low-end workstation ($5,000+). Newport graphics was introduced in mid-1993 as XL8/XL24. It was renamed to XGE when installed in machines with MIPS R5000 CPU (due to higher software T&L performance). Pixel fill rate numbers should be the same on 1993 machines. It supports hardware rasterising of Gouraud-shaded lines/spans (including blending). DEC's own design; OpenGL 1.0.1 + vertex arrays, no texturing, software alpha-blending, 3D30 is fixed to 256 colors, 4D20 has 16MB and supports true-color with the same TGA2 chipset; software T&L using Alpha CPU; driver overhead test limited by FX!32 emulation of the x86 benchmark program The first 3D accelerator made by S3 Enhanced Virge 325 core with up to 8MB of VRAM memory and faster RAMDAC. No benefits in 3D speed/features. Windows 2000 built-in OpenGL MCD driver for ViRGE (the one that is available in Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit) ATI's first OpenGL MCD driver (only for NT 4.0). The visual quality is higher than in Direct3D but performance sometimes suffers. The card has serious performance issues when too many draw calls are required. ATI's first OpenGL MCD driver (only for NT 4.0). The visual quality is higher than in Direct3D but performance sometimes suffers. The card has serious performance issues when too many draw calls are required. PowerColor C3000 GLiNT 500TX + GLINT Delta + AvanceLogic ALG2564 as DOS VGA Texture memory is optional (in slot). Some triangle-rate tests didn't run properly (seems like cheating here) - they are removed from results. No texture memory installed (but texture mapping unit is integrated and uses system RAM). Some triangle-rate tests didn't run properly (seems like cheating here) - they are removed from results. Underclocked version of Z13T for Digital (DEC) Alpha 500/600 workstations. Tested on x86 PC with Intergraph drivers. Some triangle-rate tests didn't run properly (seems like cheating here) - they are removed from results. Rendering engine is integrated with memory controller and uses system memory STB Nitro 3D; Not as bad as I thought - bilinear filtering is what kills the Virge performance Windows 2000 built-in OpenGL MCD driver for ViRGE (the one that is available in Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit) SDRAM version of Virge GX. It doesn't matter if you have DX/GX/GX2; the only performance change is between EDO (better) and SDRAM/SGRAM (worse) Budget version of the chip. Disappointing performance is caused by the low clock - that's how many people remember Virge chips. Virge DX was usually clocked to 45-60MHz. This is one of the best ones (fast EDO RAM) and overclocked to prove identical performance to GX. True color (texture color depth and Z-Buffer depth unchanged). Virge DX was usually clocked to 45-60MHz. This is one of the best ones (fast EDO RAM) and overclocked to prove identical performance to GX. Uses two rasteriser chips to improve performance. Each with 8MB of memory. We were not able to get the performance results similar to manufacturer's claims in texturing tests (other OpenGL programs behaved the same). Uses four rasteriser chips to improve performance. Each with 8MB of memory. We were not able to get the performance results similar to manufacturer's claims in texturing tests (other OpenGL programs behaved the same). OpenGL ICD beta driver (codename Java) OpenGL ICD driver from May 1999 (the newest version we were able to find) 3D performance similar to 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics. Support for DirectX5 and OpenGL ICD. OpenGL MCD driver with hardware acceleration for gouraud-shaded triangles and point-sampled textures. Polygons with bilinear filtered textures and/or blending are rendered using Microsoft's OpenGL software renderer (software and hardware rendering can be combined in a single frame). All buffers are always stored in video RAM. OpenGL MCD driver with hardware acceleration for gouraud-shaded triangles and point-sampled textures. Polygons with bilinear filtered textures and/or blending are rendered using Microsoft's OpenGL software renderer (software and hardware rendering can be combined in a single frame). All buffers are always stored in video RAM. Mitsubishi 3DPro/2mp chipset  (Evans & Sutherland REALimage 1000); 16MB of texture memory on a separate module Maybe only higher clocked Realizm Z13. No texture memory installed (but texture mapping unit is integrated and uses system RAM). Some triangle-rate tests didn't run properly (seems like cheating here) - they are removed from results. More integrated version of Realizm. The 2D core is finally on the same board. Still the same issue with triangle-rate tests. GLiNT MX + GLINT Delta + S3 Virge (DOS VGA compatibility) generic low-end clone proves that Virge GX2 doesn't offer better performance than GX with the same clock generic low-end clone overclocked to 99MHz (default for hi-end GX2 cards) ELSA GLoria Synergy-4 ELSA GLoria Synergy-4 ASUS AGP-V3000 Integrated on mainboard with dedicated 4 MB of video memory ATI All-in-Wonder Pro Mitsubishi 3DPro/2mp; REALimage 1000, 15MB FB mem, 16MB tex mem, $3495 FBI and both TMUs have 4MB of 64bit memory each Two Voodoo2 cards connected in SLI mode splitting the work into odd and even scan lines. The rasterization performance is almost doubled. Sun integrated a generic ATI Rage Pro (4MB) chipset on the mainboard. However, drivers are primitive without ani 3D/video acceleration. This shows performance of the Sun's software OpenGL - it's the far slowest implementation (133MHz Pentium with Windows beats it). Rendering engine is integrated with memory controller and uses system memory; no performance difference in 16bit rendering Dual-head version of REALimage 2100, 20MB FB mem, 16MB tex mem, $2199 Lower geometry performance (compared to fx6+); "Max performance" 3D profile was used; no texture module installed TMU and texture memory are on an optional module; This module has only 1 TMU so one pixel pipeline is disabled on textured polys (2-TMU module was also available) - - Mid-range; based on the REALimage 2100 chipset; 15MB FB mem, 16MB tex mem Additional Lynx4 geometry accelerator board was installed in another PCI slot. Still the same "cheating" issue with triangle-rate tests. Rasteriser architecture seems to be the same as in the Wildcat 4000 (the cards even have the same PCB layout), just less texture memory and lower core clock. No geometry accelerator. Still the same issue with triangle-rate tests. Additional Lynx5 geometry accelerator board. Still the same issue with triangle-rate tests. Hi-end E&S card - the last one before they went out of the workstation accelerator business. Based on the REALimage 3000 chipset; 30MB FB mem, 32MB tex mem 2x GLINT MX (rasterizer), 1x GLINT Gamma (geometry), Permedia2 as a DOS core (with own memory), 24MB EDO for textures, the rest for buffers Mobile version of Rage Pro with integrated memory. From the results, it seems that memory has the same clock as the core (unlike desktop Rage Pro chips). Rendering engine has fast access to system memory; no performance difference in 15bit rendering - Riva TNT2 chip with full 128-bit memory interface. Popular choice among consumer cards with 32-bit color support and full OpenGL ICD driver. The ELSA version allows to add a module with a digital video output. Btw the performance hit with Z-Buffer enabled is interesting. The enhanced version of original Maximum Impact from Indigo2/Octane. The full-size graphics board contains two units working together in SLI mode. Each graphics unit has 12MB of frame/Z buffer memory and 4MB of dedicated texture memory. This version of the graphics card was released in 1998. REALimage 1200, 15MB FB mem, 16MB tex mem, $699 Same OpenGL extensions as older Intergraph cards. Low textured fill rate. Still the same issue with triangle-rate tests. Memory bandwidth limited when working with high-res textures (huge drop in comparison with low-res textures). Hi-res texturing performance is unacceptable for this era - second TMU can help only with low-res textures. Memory bandwidth limited when working with high-res textures (huge drop in comparison with low-res textures). Hi-res texturing performance is unacceptable for this era - second TMU can help only with low-res textures. GLINT R3 (Permedia 3) + GLINT Gamma G1 IBM 256 bit Graphics Rasterizer Chipset Finally new OpenGL driver with many new extensions. 64bit DirectBurst memory. Lower-clocked TNT2 with crippled bus to 64bit Lower-clocked TNT2 with crippled bus to 64bit - - Vanta has bad geometry performance even with TNT2 M64 frequencies - not sure if it's caused by PCI bus 64bit DirectBurst memory. The only difference between VPro V6 and V8 is in memory size (32 x 128MB). Performance is exactly the same for both cards. Professional version of GeForce 256 (mostly special drivers) Quadro with DDR memory instead of SDR (effective mem bandwidth was doubled) Rendering engine is integrated with memory controller and uses system memory; 400MHz MIPS R12000 CPU helps a lot with software geometry procesing. Rasterisation is very slow for a workstation in 2000. The last generation of Visualize fx cards (FSAA, Direct3D support, unified memory). Fx5 has 3 geometry units (one chip). The last generation of Visualize fx cards (FSAA, Direct3D support, unified memory). Fx10 has 6 geometry units (two chips). Otherwise identical to fx5. - - Sun's generic software renderer for Solaris - probably the slowest among software renderers. Although Radeon 7000 was a capable 3D accelerator, Sun never made 3D accelerated drivers for low-end ATI cards. Thus, the chip is degraded to a simple frame buffer. - - - - Integrated graphics core in VIA PLE133, 8MB of shared memory (133MHz SDRAM) Integrated graphics core in VIA PLE133, up to 8MB of shared memory (133MHz SDRAM) IBM RC1000 rasterizer (?MHz) and IBM GT1000 geometry engine (?MHz); 256bit rasterizer provides extreme performance in CAD - looks like there are four pixel pipes, each delivering two non-textured pixels per clock… but only two have also texture mapping support Single-chip solution for business notebooks, embedded RAM Single-chip solution for business notebooks, embedded RAM Professional version of GeForce2 MX 400; $499 2x GLINT R3 PT + GLINT Gamma2 High-end workstation accelerator using 2x GLINT R4 rasterisers and GLINT Gamma 2 geometry processor. "Digital Stripe Interleaving architecture" to double fill-rate when only a single CRT/LCD is connected. IBM RC1000 rasterizer (?MHz) and IBM GT1000 geometry engine (?MHz); 256bit rasterizer provides extreme performance in CAD - looks like there are four pixel pipes, each delivering two non-textured pixels per clock… but only two have also texture mapping support IBM RC1000 rasterizer (150MHz) and IBM GT1000 geometry engine (205MHz); 256bit rasterizer provides extreme performance in CAD - looks like there are four pixel pipes, each delivering two non-textured pixels per clock… but only two have also texture mapping support Rasterization performance unchanged from V6/V8 generation. Slightly improved vertex processing + optimized code to fix the performance in triangle strips Lowcost version of Wildcat II 5110 with disabled second pixel pipe Sold only as part of NEC workstations Express5800. No DirectX support, no multi-texturing, OpenGL 1.1. Looks like four pixel pipelines, but only two of them can do texturing. Geometry unit has its own additional 32MB of DDR memory (not sure if 16 or 32bit data-bus). Hi-end CAD accelerator. Memory is divided to 256MB texture memory (64bit), 128MB Framebuffer (128bit) and 32MB DirectBurst cache (64bit). Professional version of GeForce4Go 460 (GeForce 4MX) Professional version of GeForce4Go 460 (GeForce 4MX) Professional version of GeForce4Ti 4200 Professional version of GeForce4Ti 4600 Mainstream version of Wildcat 6210 with reduced memory size High-end profi OpenGL card P10 Visual Processor architecture, lower-cost version (P9) Profi version of Radeon 9700 PRO with doubled memory size, but underclocked Professional version of GeForce4 MX Professional version of GeForce4Ti 4800; newer revision with AGP 8x (no other difference) Lowcost profi card based on Radeon 9600 PRO Special GPU built for extremely high accuracy and real-time antialiasing Special GPU built for extremely high accuracy and real-time antialiasing. Anti-aliasing disabled using fbconfig. Slight improvement in geometry performance over V12 in Octane2 (not sure if caused by more CPU power) Slight improvement in geometry performance over V12 in Octane2 (not sure if caused by more CPU power). Another machine - faster CPUs The system is equipped with two FireGL X1 graphics cards. XFree86 is used instead of SGI's native  display server. I'm not sure about the benchmark compatibility with the system. P10 Visual Processor architecture Based on 3Dlabs Wildcat 4 The last AGP card from 3Dlabs. Codename: P20, Vertex Shader 2.0 (16x), Pixel Shader 3.0 (48x); Extremely high color precision. Mainstream profi version of Radeon X800 PRO Integrated graphics with shared memory; dual-channel mode.
  Computer PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz Toshiba S-Pro 440CDT (133MHz) Toshiba S-Pro 440CDT (133MHz) Toshiba S-Pro 440CDT (133MHz) Siemens-Nixdorf PCD-4ND (DX4 75MHz) SGI Indigo R3000 33MHz SGI Indigo R4000SC 100MHz SGI Indy 200MHz R4400 SGI Indy 200MHz R4400 PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz SGI Indigo2 Maximum Impact Sun Ultra 1 167MHz SGI Indy XGE8 150MHz Digital Personal Workstation 500a PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC6 Duron 700MHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC2 P-III 1GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz SGI O2 R5000SC 180MHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC6 Duron 700MHz PC5 Duron 1400MHz PC5 Duron 1400MHz PC5 Duron 1400MHz PC5 Duron 1400MHz HP Visualize X-Class 1x1GHz P3 HP Visualize X-Class 1x1GHz P3 PC5 Duron 1400MHz PC2 P-III 1GHz PC6 AtlonXP 2200+ PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz Compaq DeskPro SFF P3-550 PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC2 P-III 1GHz PC2 P-III 1GHz Sun Ultra 5 270MHz SGI O2 R5200SC 300MHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz HP Visualize X-Class 2x733 PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz HP Visualize X-Class 1x1GHz P3 HP Visualize X-Class 1x1GHz P3 PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz HP Visualize X-Class 1x1GHz P3 PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz HP OmniBook 900 P3 500MHz SGI 320 1xP-II 400MHz? PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz HP Visualize X-Class 1x1GHz P3 SGI Octane 2xR12000 300MHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz SGI Octane2 1x400MHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz SGI O2 R12000 400MHz HP Visualize P600c HP Visualize P600c PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz Sun Blade 1500 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz PC1 Dual P-III 1GHz HP OmniBook XE3 850MHz HP OmniBook XE3 850MHz PC4 Celeron 950MHz PC4 Celeron 950MHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz DELL Latitude C600 800MHz DELL Latitude C600 800MHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz SGI Octane2 2x600MHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz DELL Precision M50 1.8GHz DELL Precision M50 1.8GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz Sun Fire V880z Sun Fire V880z SGI Tezro 4x700MHz SGI Tezro 4x1GHz SGI Onyx4 4CPU PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz Sun Blade 1500 1GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz PC3 Dual AthlonMP 2GHz Acer Swift SF515-51T
  OS Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT4.0 Windows NT4.0 Windows NT4.0 Windows NT4.0 IRIX 5.3 IRIX 5.3 IRIX 6.2 IRIX 6.2 Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Windows NT 4.0 SP6a IRIX 6.5 Solaris IRIX 6.5 Windows NT4 SP6a Windows XP SP3 Windows 98 SE Windows 2000 Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Windows 98 SE Windows 2000 SP2 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 IRIX 6.5 Windows 98 SE Windows 2000 Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows NT4.0 SP5 Windows NT4.0 SP5 Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows 2000 SP2 Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Solaris 8 IRIX 6.5 Windows XP SP3 Windows 2000 SP2 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows XP SP3 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Windows 98 SE Windows 2000 SP4 IRIX 6.5 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows XP SP3 IRIX 6.5 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 IRIX 6.5.7 Windows NT4 SP5 Windows NT4 SP5 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Solaris 10 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 98 SE Windows 98 SE Windows XP SP3 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 IRIX 6.5 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows 2000 SP4 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Solaris 10 Solaris 10 IRIX 6.5 IRIX 6.5 IRIX 6.5 Windows XP SP3 Solaris 10 Windows XP SP3 Windows XP SP3 Windows 10 Home
Fill Rate (Mpix/s) shaded only 69,4 8,1 36,4 2,4 1,3 36,6 26,1 48,6 37,8 33,5 28,3 240,0 68,2 49,7 68,9 44,3 43,7 21,4 47,4 58,7 32,7 23,6 80,2 80,2 66,0 64,2 60,6 34,8 59,4 36,6 60,9 56,2 122,9 132,1 28,1 38,8 48,6 56,8 56,3 60,5 92,1 68,4 27,1 60,0 78,7 75,0 70,6 96,0 70,9 71,6 60,5 83,9 152,5 5,3 61,5 95,1 198,6 199,1 170,6 165,1 94,4 168,9 218,1 170,3 94,4 63,2 77,8 185,4 139,1 244,8 227,6 85,1 189,9 92,1 92,1 112,2 199,1 145,4 231,0 198,6 187,3 165,1 198,6 290,8 295,6 465,9 478,1 64,1 179,3 179,3 141,1 134,1 8,9 240,2 240,2 93,5 88,1 126,0 119,2 880,7 205,7 157,0 363,2 231,8 175,0 921,1 1 100,9 296,1 251,6 737,0 415,0 431,6 427,9 1 084,1 1 175,7 518,8 440,4 981,9 1 597,6 526,5 1 158,2 1 191,0 81,1 307,0 296,1 309,6 1 700,9 1 409,3 200,5 1 789,2 2 749,6 5 255,9
(without Z-Buffer) +blend 5,3 1,0 6,1 0,8 0,1 14,9 0,4 18,9 14,8 1,0 0,6 151,4 68,2 19,0 1,4 20,7 24,5 21,1 27,4 46,7 13,6 10,7 52,6 52,6 44,7 61,5 35,0 34,4 32,1 20,9 34,8 32,6 22,0 34,8 19,1 27,0 48,6 1,2 0,8 61,4 62,3 44,0 13,8 31,2 43,0 38,4 36,6 95,5 71,3 70,5 60,6 84,3 152,5 0,6 58,8 95,1 181,6 179,3 170,3 121,0 93,1 73,4 99,1 85,5 95,5 31,4 66,1 183,6 139,1 181,6 136,6 83,8 115,6 92,1 88,1 101,1 193,7 93,6 184,3 97,6 156,6 83,8 97,6 187,3 300,3 269,0 337,8 63,6 181,6 179,3 119,3 103,0 6,0 209,2 126,6 92,7 73,0 123,6 84,3 459,5 148,6 71,5 229,5 207,5 166,9 478,1 559,1 302,4 108,4 377,4 417,6 431,6 419,6 895,3 1 037,5 417,3 477,7 589,1 1 245,6 526,5 1 037,5 855,5 80,5 307,3 295,8 309,6 2 527,2 1 051,9 192,4 1 388,1 1 918,1 5 591,4
  +Tx 2,7 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,1 - - - - 2,7 2,8 105,4 9,5 0,2 69,0 4,8 5,1 2,1 2,7 2,8 22,2 4,3 29,1 2,9 23,6 32,5 11,2 2,1 8,5 6,8 11,2 10,5 3,4 5,9 11,3 24,8 48,9 2,7 2,8 44,7 2,5 2,7 19,3 6,4 8,5 32,4 25,4 52,1 53,3 56,3 42,8 75,7 137,7 1,5 30,7 62,3 2,0 70,5 145,2 108,5 62,6 46,0 52,6 49,5 77,3 31,3 54,5 154,3 126,7 157,9 120,7 66,1 51,9 77,0 44,0 53,1 31,6 93,6 158,9 99,0 132,1 83,9 99,0 187,3 200,2 199,0 320,3 39,4 167,6 168,9 141,1 132,1 3,5 148,6 130,1 92,7 73,7 69,0 65,2 147,3 134,6 90,7 248,7 83,5 74,1 157,9 177,2 203,6 99,0 177,2 341,9 427,9 420,0 782,0 921,5 363,5 368,5 207,7 972,9 526,0 907,6 883,4 40,0 135,0 200,4 200,4 1 634,4 237,0 155,9 778,9 1 733,3 4 859,7
  +Tx(point) 13,0 1,8 4,1 0,4 0,4 - - - - 14,5 11,2 105,3 18,9 1,4 69,0 5,3 7,0 11,7 14,3 16,8 22,2 10,6 29,1 2,9 23,9 35,7 19,7 11,8 17,1 10,7 19,7 17,9 9,3 15,4 18,3 32,3 48,6 16,8 11,2 55,0 2,7 2,7 27,0 16,7 22,0 38,8 37,0 51,5 60,9 70,5 53,4 81,9 149,5 2,3 33,8 78,3 3,1 70,5 143,1 108,4 78,9 46,0 52,6 49,5 85,5 51,4 65,4 158,9 96,4 157,9 120,6 66,1 51,9 79,5 56,8 67,0 41,7 93,6 159,6 100,5 132,1 83,8 99,0 187,3 200,2 199,0 320,3 44,8 169,0 167,7 140,9 134,1 4,1 157,2 137,6 93,5 76,3 88,6 84,3 173,0 155,5 97,2 252,2 110,1 100,9 181,6 204,5 200,4 108,4 193,9 391,4 431,6 420,0 782,8 908,5 357,9 368,5 216,8 1 068,0 526,5 907,6 911,4 40,7 146,8 200,4 212,8 1 637,6 279,6 178,6 837,9 1 816,1 4 473,1
  +blend+Tx 2,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 - - - - 1,4 1,1 102,8 9,5 0,2 1,4 4,3 4,6 0,7 1,2 1,2 13,6 4,2 29,8 2,9 23,6 28,2 9,8 0,7 7,6 5,9 9,9 9,2 4,9 4,3 10,7 22,7 38,8 1,4 1,2 44,0 2,5 2,7 12,8 5,8 7,7 22,7 18,8 52,2 32,7 32,5 43,4 75,7 137,7 0,3 28,1 63,2 2,0 70,5 135,6 82,6 62,6 46,0 51,9 48,8 78,1 27,4 36,0 146,1 126,6 119,7 105,8 66,1 48,1 73,7 43,4 50,8 30,3 90,8 126,6 64,1 108,4 55,9 65,0 181,6 200,2 147,3 213,6 33,9 149,2 149,2 115,6 103,0 2,9 128,6 92,1 81,8 49,5 68,6 53,5 125,3 90,8 52,5 167,7 82,5 74,1 136,2 151,3 203,0 104,6 167,6 368,5 420,0 333,5 671,0 782,8 391,4 368,5 213,8 787,6 481,0 782,0 614,4 40,6 136,4 200,4 206,6 1 514,1 234,4 181,9 767,6 1 603,2 4 468,7
  +blend+Tx(point) 5,7 1,0 2,9 0,3 0,1 - - - - 1,0 0,6 102,8 18,7 1,3 1,4 4,8 6,2 0,8 0,8 1,9 13,6 10,6 29,1 2,9 24,2 29,9 14,7 0,7 12,7 8,7 14,6 13,7 4,5 7,7 15,5 24,6 40,0 1,3 0,8 55,0 2,7 2,7 13,8 12,3 16,4 25,4 23,8 51,1 32,9 32,5 53,4 81,9 149,5 0,3 30,7 79,0 3,1 71,3 135,5 83,9 78,9 46,0 52,6 48,8 85,4 31,3 37,1 150,2 96,8 121,1 103,8 66,1 52,6 74,7 55,0 64,2 38,7 89,5 128,6 65,0 108,4 55,9 65,0 178,7 200,2 147,3 213,8 37,2 149,2 149,2 117,3 101,4 3,3 137,6 93,6 85,6 51,5 89,5 59,7 145,3 97,1 54,5 167,6 105,3 98,1 160,3 177,2 194,7 106,1 186,2 357,9 419,6 333,5 670,3 770,6 363,1 348,2 220,2 854,6 487,8 769,9 626,2 40,5 150,7 200,4 213,4 1 511,2 237,0 179,5 838,7 1 631,8 4 524,6
  +LowResTx 2,8 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,1 - - - - 2,8 2,8 121,6 10,6 0,2 68,9 5,4 5,6 4,2 6,6 8,9 22,1 4,3 37,4 2,8 30,3 58,8 9,8 8,3 8,9 5,8 9,7 9,1 4,4 7,9 21,6 35,6 48,6 2,8 2,8 60,6 2,5 2,7 26,3 9,3 12,2 38,8 37,8 94,6 53,3 52,6 59,6 84,3 152,5 1,6 48,3 90,8 2,0 71,2 151,8 145,2 89,7 59,6 68,4 57,1 93,2 57,5 57,2 181,8 132,9 213,8 139,0 68,4 68,4 92,1 92,1 110,0 42,2 128,5 206,7 193,0 167,6 156,4 193,0 256,9 300,3 465,6 477,7 65,2 181,6 179,3 141,1 134,2 3,6 225,7 223,4 93,6 88,1 125,5 119,2 232,0 174,0 155,6 363,2 229,5 172,9 242,2 286,9 307,3 175,9 367,9 415,4 432,0 431,6 1 084,1 1 174,6 421,2 478,1 261,7 1 597,6 534,4 1 158,2 1 191,0 41,1 161,0 296,1 309,6 1 700,9 274,0 200,4 1 141,3 2 752,3 4 623,9
  +LowResTx(point) 17,0 1,8 4,2 0,4 0,5 - - - - 16,8 11,4 121,6 22,0 1,5 68,9 5,4 7,2 5,9 14,2 20,2 22,1 10,6 37,9 2,9 30,7 58,8 19,7 14,5 17,1 10,9 19,7 17,9 9,9 18,2 28,0 38,6 48,6 17,0 11,2 59,6 2,7 2,7 26,8 18,7 24,4 38,6 38,0 94,6 70,9 71,6 59,7 83,9 152,5 2,4 48,3 92,1 3,2 71,2 153,2 146,4 92,0 60,0 67,5 57,1 94,4 62,0 77,0 181,8 133,5 213,6 139,0 70,5 67,4 92,1 92,1 110,0 46,9 128,5 206,7 193,0 167,7 156,4 193,0 258,5 300,3 465,6 477,7 62,9 181,6 179,3 140,9 134,1 4,2 240,2 236,7 93,5 88,1 125,5 118,6 231,8 207,5 157,0 363,2 229,5 173,0 242,2 286,9 298,4 175,9 372,5 421,2 432,0 431,6 1 084,1 1 175,7 420,8 471,8 261,7 1 597,6 533,9 1 158,2 1 191,0 41,1 161,5 296,1 309,6 1 699,2 271,5 200,2 1 245,0 2 752,3 4 696,7
  multi-texture 1,0 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,0 - - - - 0,8 0,8 52,6 0,2 0,2 2,0 2,3 2,4 0,5 0,7 1,5 9,8 2,1 14,9 1,5 12,0 15,0 5,3 0,5 4,0 3,2 5,3 4,9 22,3 3,0 5,5 12,0 21,3 0,8 0,8 22,0 1,2 1,4 7,7 3,0 4,1 13,5 10,9 26,2 20,3 21,1 21,4 75,3 137,1 0,9 15,4 31,1 1,9 35,6 60,6 42,1 31,3 23,1 26,3 24,5 39,1 14,5 22,2 77,1 81,9 55,9 56,0 39,8 25,9 43,4 16,8 26,3 16,4 47,4 60,6 36,3 51,1 30,7 36,3 92,1 100,1 92,0 136,2 19,3 78,1 78,1 134,2 103,0 3,7 75,9 72,6 44,0 30,3 34,8 29,9 25,0 58,3 46,4 121,1 41,8 37,1 26,5 29,5 97,3 55,9 86,5 184,0 354,1 192,1 510,8 587,8 181,6 184,0 105,8 424,9 210,6 579,1 280,7 40,8 156,2 97,3 100,1 1 694,1 117,2 89,6 368,5 715,6 3 295,7
  multi-pass 1,0 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,0 - - - - 0,8 0,8 52,6 0,2 0,2 2,0 2,3 2,5 0,5 0,7 1,5 9,7 2,1 14,7 1,5 11,8 14,9 5,3 0,5 4,0 3,2 5,3 4,9 0,9 3,0 5,5 11,9 21,3 0,8 0,8 22,3 1,2 1,3 7,7 3,0 4,0 13,5 11,0 26,3 20,3 20,8 21,7 37,8 69,0 0,2 15,3 31,1 1,9 35,2 71,6 47,4 31,6 23,1 25,9 24,5 39,1 14,3 22,2 77,1 46,4 68,5 56,0 37,9 26,2 40,4 22,4 26,3 16,5 46,7 72,6 39,8 60,5 33,9 39,8 92,1 100,1 86,4 131,3 19,3 79,0 79,0 62,3 52,6 1,4 69,5 53,4 44,0 30,3 34,8 29,9 67,9 53,4 33,4 94,4 41,3 37,1 71,9 80,7 96,8 64,1 85,4 181,6 210,0 178,5 335,2 391,0 181,6 186,2 106,9 441,7 252,2 391,0 368,7 17,1 43,6 97,3 101,6 508,7 118,4 89,6 385,3 737,8 1 955,1
Triangle Rate (Ktri/s) Triangle Strips 965 104 114 72 23 75 67 134 314 314 310 1 267 1 493 177 606 214 249 87 415 417 517 670 1 137 1 137 1 035 435 248 87 193 154 197 196 979 1 507 272 280 596 471 471 405 972 943 670 323 324 1 024 1 016 1 181 541 612 598 2 347 2 145 317 656 3 690 6 365 7 492 4 107 4 021 4 021 2 176 979 3 352 3 916 3 280 462 3 617 2 192 3 145 2 209 3 349 2 927 2 254 2 234 3 184 6 443 6 065 4 150 4 153 1 534 1 534 1 534 12 045 6 603 13 947 14 145 974 5 967 8 614 1 010 1 011 808 849 854 1 379 1 389 1 658 1 630 8 060 1 226 1 242 14 145 4 019 5 614 7 485 7 492 11 942 10 609 14 559 18 182 18 384 17 885 15 435 15 435 12 739 14 145 28 940 148 796 13 947 15 435 139 006 24 865 28 417 13 274 13 261 136 705 30 870 4 785 97 988 225 373 93 976
  Independed Triangles 554 59 68 25 9 55 32 84 221 248 245 333 213 100 329 171 190 72 307 314 313 277 - - - 302 189 72 169 133 171 171 855 806 187 214 542 349 349 271 - 59 773 277 229 231 444 469 577 272 403 267 789 730 133 247 1 591 2 480 1 108 1 384 1 384 1 299 - - - 1 200 1 833 279 668 718 1 146 935 1 591 - 1 369 1 384 1 686 2 357 4 609 1 415 1 430 544 539 539 5 536 2 839 3 743 3 743 340 1 330 1 351 352 352 377 505 501 460 460 463 477 2 727 394 394 3 743 1 794 1 768 2 807 2 768 3 135 5 158 3 690 5 230 4 554 4 596 3 855 3 916 3 978 4 613 2 100 77 335 3 746 3 920 77 411 1 147 1 165 4 592 4 592 805 23 517 1 159 37 199 120 407 24 698
  Hi-Res Textured I. Triangles 307 30 33 18 8 - - - - 258 269 333 79 26 269 14 15 135 265 272 311 201 - - - 216 136 138 118 84 119 119 76 120 172 184 374 258 269 0 - 40 136 201 19 19 354 370 515 246 309 251 768 720 62 176 1 107 300 1 107 1 201 1 201 980 - - - 979 1 543 204 606 706 1 019 941 979 - 1 146 1 026 1 235 1 902 4 546 1 212 1 212 505 505 505 5 536 2 276 3 307 3 690 258 1 330 1 349 255 256 239 377 379 361 361 358 356 2 894 349 349 3 536 1 768 1 236 2 960 2 940 3 125 4 750 3 690 4 899 4 596 4 643 3 855 3 859 3 855 4 546 1 968 51 934 3 690 3 855 41 155 1 139 1 146 3 315 3 315 808 10 149 1 160 27 011 80 350 22 537
  One Triangle per Draw Call 130 12 12 4 1 4 7 14 13 33 32 100 17 21 17 124 139 29 26 27 106 177 340 340 340 35 144 30 127 96 130 130 63 57 56 57 300 46 45 134 310 305 204 163 171 176 164 280 78 87 197 255 263 7 54 340 807 218 310 310 153 40 310 601 139 483 55 99 225 295 127 407 886 266 266 729 969 1 152 305 305 272 272 266 847 100 467 467 114 203 205 121 122 38 115 115 213 205 86 90 1 622 166 165 467 811 799 1 646 1 622 136 1 102 724 1 089 489 489 446 453 1 058 983 581 531 470 453 531 103 117 166 230 235 556 174 566 541 899
Fill Rate (Mpix/s) shaded only 17,7 2,5 8,0     32,4 8,0 13,1 34,1 32,1 28,3   68,1 9,2 37,7   23,5 13,1 20,8               29,6 20,8 21,5 16,7 29,5 27,2 41,5 57,1 18,8 27,7 48,6 28,3 24,2           28,9 68,6 57,8           150,2 3,5 56,1       150,8 85,4 94,4 80,7     94,4   41,2   137,9 125,3 157,6                           295,6     63,5 179,5 179,5                           210,4                       518,8 477,7           80,6 314,7   309,6       1 192,5   4 915,6
(with Z-Buffer) +blend 3,7 0,5 3,6     13,9 0,4 14,2 14,2 0,5 0,4   68,2 9,1 1,2   14,2 13,3 14,3               21,1 20,5 17,8 12,4 21,2 19,7 13,4 22,4 11,5 16,9 48,6 1,2 1,0           23,5 37,8 33,5           150,2 0,5 48,3       117,3 64,1 94,4 56,3     95,5   34,0   137,7 94,4 93,1                           295,6     58,2 142,5 142,4                           159,8                       412,7 478,9           80,6 309,3   309,3       1 158,2   5 394,5
  +Tx 2,4 0,2 0,3     - - - - 1,1 1,1   9,5 0,2 37,1   4,4 0,6 1,0               8,8 0,6 6,8 5,3 8,8 8,2 ? 8,6 8,5 18,6 42,4 1,3 1,3           6,8 29,6 22,5           135,5 1,2 19,9       119,3 64,1 62,6 46,0     78,1   32,1   98,7 89,7 113,7                           200,2     31,4 126,7 126,7                           82,5                       363,5 373,7           40,6 136,2   206,6       671,0   4 357,0
  +blend+Tx 1,9 0,2 0,2     - - - - 0,8 0,7   9,5 0,2 1,2   4,1 0,4 0,7               7,7 0,4 6,2 4,7 7,7 7,3 3,1 4,2 8,0 15,8 32,4 0,9 0,8           6,2 21,9 17,5           135,5 0,3 19,9       95,0 51,2 63,2 46,0     78,1   23,8   98,7 72,7 87,1                           200,2     29,1 108,4 106,8                           74,1                       357,9 348,2           39,4 136,2   200,4       670,3   4 468,7
  +LowResTx 2,5 0,2 0,3     - - - - 1,1 1,1   10,6 0,2 36,9   4,8 3,8 4,6               7,8 6,9 7,0 4,7 7,8 7,3 5,0 11,7 16,9 27,3 45,2 1,3 1,3           9,4 38,2 36,4           150,2 1,2 42,3       146,4 84,2 90,8 59,5     93,1   41,2   121,2 125,3 124,3                           295,6     59,4 179,5 179,5                           204,7                       421,2 477,7           41,2 160,0   317,1       1 348,8   4 584,9
  +LowResTx(point) 9,6 1,1 3,0     - - - - 0,9 0,9   22,0 1,4 38,5   6,3 5,3 11,7               13,1 11,0 11,0 7,7 13,1 12,3 9,2 16,8 18,5 27,5 48,6 11,2 9,5           15,3 38,6 37,5           150,2 1,6 42,2       148,5 85,4 92,0 60,1     94,4   42,4   121,8 125,3 124,2                           295,8     59,8 179,5 181,6                           204,7                       397,9 477,7           41,1 160,5   316,2       1 341,9   4 584,9